Essential Eligibility Criteria
Marina del Rey Outrigger Canoe Club Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC) for Risk Assessment
Marina del Rey Outrigger Canoe Club (MDROCCC) Essential Eligibility Criteria is applicable to all Marina Outrigger participants. To help you identify the skills you will need to successfully participate in Marina Outrigger canoe paddling programs, MDROCC has developed the following Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC). The criteria are applicable to all program participants. If you are unable to meet certain criteria, please contact us; we may be able to assist you with a reasonable accommodation unless it would change the fundamental nature of the practice or race, would compromise your safety and the safety of other participants or instructors, or would place an undue financial or administrative burden on Marina Outrigger.
Universal EEC
Each participant must be able to...
Perceive and comprehend the inherent risks of the activity, including, but not limited to, the ones previously identified by MDROCC staff.
Stay alert and focus attention for the duration of the class or outing.
Effectively signal or notify MDROCC staff or other paddlers of personal distress, injury or need for assistance.
Manage all personal care, mobility, or activities of daily living independently or with the assistance of a companion, excluding the MDROCC staff.
Contribute to a safe learning environment. No harassing or abusive behavior of others for any reason is tolerated.
Follow verbal and/or visual presentation independently or with assistance of a companion or adaptive equipment, excluding the MDROCC staff.
General Outdoor / Beach EEC
Each participant must be able to...
Access and exit MDROCC venue locations independently or with the assistance of a companion, excluding the MDROCC staff. Ease of access and exit might be impacted by weather changes.
Adapt to venue changes brought on by inclement weather and changing light conditions. This may include heat, rain, rough seas, wind, etc.
Meet the physical demands of each practice or race within the time limits set by each.
Independently, or with the assistance of a companion, excluding the MDROCC staff, understand and follow directions and instructions given by others to avoid hazards and /or manage risks. This includes following emergency procedures.
Maintain balance on uneven surfaces and keep an upright position independently or with the use of personal adaptive equipment.
Paddling Specific EEC
Each participant must be able to...
Breathe independently (i.e., not require medical devices to sustain breathing).
Independently maintain sealed airway passages while under water.
Independently hold head upright without neck / head support.
Hold their breath while under water and, while in the water wearing a properly fitted lifejacket, be able to independently turn from a face down to a face up position keeping their head above water.
Independently turn from face-down to face-up and remain floating face up while wearing a properly fitted life jacket
Independently remain in an appropriate and safe body position, while in or on the paddle craft, for the duration of the practice or race.
Remain upright and seated in the canoe.
Independently or with a companion (excluding the MDROCC staff) enter and exit the canoes on shore.
Independently exit from the watercraft in the event of a capsize and perform an appropriate self-rescue or cooperate with an assisted rescue.
Independently propel the watercraft with the use of a paddle or other personal adaptive piece of equipment.
Independently get out and from under a capsized paddle craft
Reenter or remount the paddle craft following deep water capsize independently or with a reasonable amount of assistance
To attempt self-rescues entailing re-entry of the craft while in deep water, each participant must be able to...
Maintain a swimming position while manipulating equipment (such as a boat, paddle, or safety equipment).
Maneuver body and manipulate equipment to re-enter the craft.
Maintain a safe body position while attempting skills, activities, and rescues.